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Conoce a Tio Jorge

Jorge Manzanera

Jorge Manzanera, alias "Tío Jorge" es coach de coparentalidad y mediador familiar certificado. Es un experto experimentado con una Licenciatura en Ciencias, una maestría en Gestión, una certificación en Programación Neurolingüística y, desde 2014, Mediador Familiar en el estado de Washington.

Amplia experiencia laboral internacional en Alemania, México, Canadá y Estados Unidos.

Fundó y dirige Skagit Mediation y Collaborative Parenting con Tio Jorge, LLC. También es desarrollador de los talleres “Programa de Coparentalidad Exitosa”.

Su trabajo incluye ayudar a padres y familias a navegar a través de conflictos y desarrollar estrategias efectivas de crianza compartida. Tiene certificaciones en Mediación Familiar de Lone Star College y del Condado de Montgomery en la República Democrática del Congo, y desde 2014, es un Mediador Profesional Certificado para el Estado de Washington.

Participación comunitaria y participación cívica: Jorge Manzanera ha estado activo en asuntos comunitarios, particularmente en Mount Vernon. Como mediador bilingüe e intérprete certificado, ha estado involucrado en asuntos del gobierno local, sirviendo en el Comité Asesor de Ciudadanos de Mount Vernon para actualizar el Plan Integral de la ciudad. También se postuló para un puesto en el concejo municipal, enfocándose en convertir Mount Vernon en una ciudad moderna y más inclusiva con vivienda adecuada, seguridad pública y educación para padres.

El trabajo de Jorge Manzanera en mediación y coaching, combinado con su participación comunitaria, refleja su dedicación a mejorar la dinámica familiar, promover la comunicación efectiva y fomentar la inclusión en el desarrollo comunitario.

¿Cómo se convirtió en tío Jorge?

"TIO" significa "TÍO" en español y, a menudo, trae orgullo y alegría al sistema familiar.

El afecto de Jorge por sus sobrinos, sobrinas y los hijos de sus estudiantes, junto con su experiencia docente bilingüe, impulsa su compromiso con el desarrollo mental y la colaboración.

Resumen Profesional:

  • Fundador de Crianza Colaborativa con Tio Jorge LLC

  • Fundador Successful Co-Parenting Program (inglés) / Programa de Co-Paternidad Exitosa (español)

  • Proveedor aprobado por el tribunal para seminarios para padres.

  • Mediador bilingüe certificado y mediador de derecho familiar Skagit Superior Court

  • Ingeniero biomédico

  • Padre, Hermano, Tío, Voluntario

  • Profesor certificado bilingüe y de ciencias, TX

  • Bicultural y totalmente bilingüe.


At Successful Co-Parenting, we have a unique perspective on co-parenting that goes beyond the traditional definition. We believe that co-parenting is not just the responsibility of biological parents but also involves other grownups who share the vital role of raising children. We recognize that co-parenting can be a complex endeavor, akin to any profession or work, and we emphasize the importance of training and personal growth in this journey.

Collaboration Beyond Parents:
In our understanding of co-parenting, we embrace the idea that it takes a village to raise a child. We acknowledge the significant role that other adults, such as step-parents, grandparents, and caregivers, play in a child's life. Our approach encourages open communication and collaboration among all those involved in the child's upbringing, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.

We maintain that other family relatives such as grandparents, uncles, aunts as well as close family friends and neighbors can and should also have a significant role in the raising of children.   Remember the wise African phrase "It takes a village to raise a child"

We value these relationships, their uniqueness for each child, and the special contributions they can bring to the parenting process. 

Continuous Learning and Training:
Co-parenting is a multifaceted undertaking, and we believe that ongoing learning and training are essential components of successful co-parenting. Just as professionals invest in training to excel in their careers, co-parents can benefit from education and resources to navigate the complexities of raising children in diverse cultural and linguistic contexts.


Our programs and resources are designed to provide co-parents with the knowledge, tools, and skills needed to meet the unique challenges of co-parenting effectively. We offer training modules, workshops, and guidance to empower co-parents with the insights and strategies to navigate cultural differences, language barriers, and the evolving needs of their children.

Personal Growth and Role Modeling:
We view co-parenting as a transformative journey that not only benefits the children but also the co-parents themselves. As co-parents invest in their own personal growth and development, they become better role models for their children. Co-parenting offers an opportunity for self-discovery, empathy, and continuous improvement.


Our approach encourages co-parents to prioritize self-care and personal growth, recognizing that taking care of oneself is the foundation for building the best version possible. By nurturing their own well-being, co-parents can model resilience, emotional intelligence, and a commitment to lifelong learning for their children.


We encourage getting a bigger awareness of our own parenting, and to viewing relationships from both directions…. for example, the parents’ response to their children’s behavior, as well as the children’s feelings about a specific response or action. We aim to help parents develop effective skills in compassion and empathy that allow them to easily consider how their children might feel, and what they are experiencing in their relationship with their parents.


Our comprehensive parenting model recognizes the unique path to personal development that parenting (as one of life’s most challenging activities) offers. Because the most trying circumstances of parenthood appear when time and energy are in short supply, this may not, at first glance, seem like the opportune situation for self-improvement. However, the parenting journey can also be a catalyst for self-discovery, as parents often realize that self-improvement is an effort worth making not only for themselves but also for the interests of their children. As Joseph Chilton Pearce so eloquently said: “What we ARE teaches the child more than what we say, so we must BE what we want our children to become.” 


We can be intentional about what we choose to learn and how we choose to grow. Developing ourselves personally in this way allows us to reach our full potential, be our best selves, and live our happiest, most authentic lives. Being the best we can be in this way offers our children the greatest version of ourselves, and from that example facilitates their own growth into the adults we want them to be.


The more responsible notion of self self-carecare is self-actualization, also called personal growth and self-improvement. It helps you achieve what is most important to you.  To become that being you need to work on your own resilience and knowledge.  


▪ Capacidad para trabajar con personas de diversos orígenes económicos, culturales y sociales y capacidad para reconocer, comprender y respetar diferentes creencias y valores.

▪ Experiencia en el uso de técnicas de mediación y resolución de conflictos para facilitar la comunicación y alcanzar acuerdos.

▪ Profesional y eficaz en habilidades de comunicación bilingüe oral y escrita.

▪ Excelentes habilidades para escuchar y tomar notas.

▪ Carismático, enfático, ingenioso, confiable

▪ Fuerte comprensión y dominio de la Programación Neuro Lingüística (PNL)

▪ Fuertes habilidades de gestión demostradas a través de un liderazgo sobresaliente y resolución de problemas.

▪ Asignar horarios de trabajo y dar seguimiento

▪ Monitorear y controlar los recursos

▪ Capacitar y entrenar a personas de diferentes culturas y antecedentes diversos

▪ Trabajar bien bajo presión, cumpliendo y completando múltiples plazos.

▪ Capacidad para trabajar de forma independiente y como miembro de un equipo.

▪ Desarrollar y mantener una amplia red profesional local de organizaciones y expertos.

▪ Planificación, Implementación y seguimiento de tareas.

▪ Dominio de la docencia online en plataformas Zoom y eventos híbridos.


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Miembro activo de la comunidad

LBAW amplía la justicia para la comunidad latina en el estado de Washington y más allá.

La Asociación de Abogados Latina/o del Estado de Washington es una organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3). Apartado postal 53502, Bellevue, Washington 98015

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Su objetivo es promover el profesionalismo, el servicio al público, el fomento de las relaciones entre los abogados y otras actividades que mejoren la práctica del derecho en el condado de Snohomish.

Miembros desde enero de 2024

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