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Snohomish Superior Court Local Rules



 EFFECTIVE: September 1, 2017


(4) Parenting Seminars. 


(A) Definition of Applicable Cases. 

This rule applies to all cases filed under Ch. 26.09, 26.10 or Ch. 26.26 of the RCW filed after September 1, 1994, including dissolutions, legal separations, major modifications and paternity actions (in which paternity has been established) where the parties are parents of children under the age of 18, and where a parenting plan or residential plan is required which involves more than purely financial issues.  


(B) Mandatory Attendance. 

In all cases referred to in Section (A) above, and in those additional cases arising under Title 26 RCW where a court makes a discretionary finding that a parenting seminar would be in the best interest of the children, both parents, and such non-parent parties as the court may direct, shall participate in, and successfully complete, an approved parenting seminar within 60 days after service of a petition, or an initiating motion, on the responding party. Standards for an approved parenting seminar shall be established by Administrative Order of this court. Successful completion shall be evidenced by the parties filing a certificate of attendance/completion with the court. This document shall be filed separately and not as an attachment to other documents. 


(C) Special Considerations/Waiver. 

(1) In no case shall opposing parties be required to attend a seminar together.

(2) Upon a showing of domestic violence or abuse which would not require mutual decision-making pursuant to RCW 26.09.191, or that a parent's attendance at a seminar is not in the children's best interest, the court shall either: [a] waive the requirement of completion of the seminar; or [b] provide an alternative voluntary parenting seminar for battered spouses. 

(3) The court may waive the seminar requirement for one or both parents in any case for good cause shown. 


(D) Failure to Comply. 

Delay, refusal, or default by one parent does not excuse timely compliance by the other parent. However, a parent who fails to complete the parenting seminar shall be precluded from confirming the case for trial or presenting any final order affecting the parenting/residential plan and may be precluded from seeking affirmative relief in this or subsequent proceedings in this file, until the parenting seminar has been successfully completed. Refusal or delay by either parent may constitute contempt of court and result in sanctions imposed by the court, or may result in the imposition of monetary terms, default, and/or striking of pleadings.  




Kitsap Superior Court Local Rules



(a) Scope

This rule applies to all cases filed under Ch. 26.09, or Ch. 26.26 of the RCW (except those cases brought on behalf of the State of Washington by the Prosecuting Attorney’s Child Support Office) filed after January 1, 2005, which require a parenting plan for minor children, including dissolutions, legal separations, and parentage actions.

(b) Definitions.

(1) Parenting Seminar. Parenting seminar or seminar shall mean a seminar presented
by an authorized provider as set forth in section (h) below, with content that meets
the requirements specified in section (i) below.
(2) Parent Education Committee. The Parent Education Committee or Committee shall mean the standing committee of the Kitsap County Superior Court as provided in LCR 1(c)(5).


(c) Parenting Seminars; Mandatory Attendance.

In all cases referred to in Section (a)
above, and in those additional cases arising under Title 26 RCW where the Court makes a discretionary finding that a parenting seminar would be in the best interest of the children, both parents, and such other parties as the Court may direct, shall participate in, and successfully complete, an approved parenting seminar within 90 days after service of a petition on the responding parent.

Successful completion shall be evidenced by a certificate of attendance filed with the Court by the provider agency.


(d) Special Considerations, Waiver.

(1) Joint Participation Not Required. In no case shall parents be required to attend a
seminar together.
(2) Grounds for Waiver or Alternative. Upon a showing of any of the following, the
Court shall either waive the requirement of completion of the seminar or provide an
alternative to the seminar:
(A) Domestic violence, abuse, or safety concerns;
(B) Allegations of any conduct set fort at RCW 26.09.191; or
(C) Any other reason why a parent’s attendance at a seminar is not in the
children’s best interest.
(3) Waiver. The Court may waive the seminar requirement for one or both parents in
any case for good cause shown, including but not limited to default situations.


(e) Failure to Comply

Delay, refusal or default by one parent does not excuse timely compliance by the other parent. Unless attendance at the seminar is waived, a parent who delays beyond the 90 day deadline, or who otherwise fails or refuses to complete the
parenting seminar, shall be precluded from presenting any final order affecting the
parenting/residential plan in this action, until the seminar has been successfully completed.


(f) Finalizing Parenting Plans.

All parents are required to attach to their proposed final parenting plan a true and accurate signed and dated copy of the certificate of completion of the seminar. ​​


(g) Fee

Each parent attending a seminar shall pay a fee charged by the provider and sanctioned by the Court. The Court may waive the fee for indigent parents.


(h) Authorized Providers.

(1) Certified Providers. The Kitsap County Court Administrator shall maintain a list of seminar providers who have filed a statement of compliance with the Parent Education Committee. The statement of compliance shall certify that the content of seminars offered by the provider meet the requirements set forth in section (i) below. If a provider’s qualifications are challenged, the provider shall be notified by the Committee of the process to resolve any questions regarding the provider’s future approval. The provider will then have an opportunity to respond to any challenges to its qualifications.


(2) Equivalent Providers May be Used. Parents may use equivalent services offered by private agencies or religious organizations, upon approval of the judge or commissioner in the individual case. When the Court authorized the use of providers or religious organizations which have not previously been accepted by the Committee as a certified provider of parenting seminars, the Court may modify or waive the qualifications for the instructors, as listed as section (j) below, upon a showing of functional equivalency


(i) Seminar Content.

The seminar content shall include, at a minimum:

• The developmental stages of childhood;

• Stress indicators in children;

• Age appropriate expectations of children; • The impact of divorce on children;

• The grief process;

• Reducing stress for children through an amicable divorce;

• The long term impact of parental conflict on children;

• The importance of child’s relationships with both parents; fostering those relationships;

• Communication skills for divorced parents;

• Minimization of conflict;

• Practical skills for working together;

• The impact on children when stepparents and blended families enter their lives;

• Parenting children with limited time; and Involvement of extended family


(j) Qualifications of Instructors.

Parenting seminars shall be taught by a team of not less than two instructors, including one male and one female.​(k) Referrals for Other Services.

During the seminar, referral resources will be made available to the parents and their children, including individual and family counseling, drug/alcohol counseling, anger management counseling, parenting classes, etc. These services are optional, and the parents must seek their own funding resources



effective September 1, 2023


Skagit Superior Court Local Rules

(SCLSPR 94.04.1 Parenting Seminars)
effective September 1, 2001; amended September 1, 2009





This rule shall apply to all cases filed after September 1, 2001 under Chapter 26.09, Ch. 26.10, or Ch. 26.26 RCW which require a parenting plan for minor children; including dissolutions, legal separations, major modifications, paternity actions in which paternity has been established, and non-parental custody actions



In all cases governed by this rule, all parties shall complete an approved parenting seminar. Standards for parenting seminars shall be established by the Court and providers shall be approved by the Court. An approved list of providers will be available through Court Administration. [Amended September 1, 2011]


(c) TIMING. 

Parties required by this rule to participate in a parenting seminar shall complete an approved parenting seminar within 90 days after service of the petition or motion initiating the action which is subject to this rule. In the case of paternity actions initiated by the prosecuting attorney’s office, the parenting seminar shall be required only when paternity is established or
acknowledged and a parenting plan is requested.


(d) FEES. 

Each party attending a seminar shall pay a fee charged by the approved provider and sanctioned by the court. The court may waive the fee for indigent parties.


(1) In no case shall opposing parties be required to attend a seminar together.
(2) Upon a showing of domestic violence or abuse which would not require mutual decision-making, pursuant to RCW 26.09.191, or that a parent’s attendance at a seminar is not in the children’s best interest, pursuant to Ch. 26.12 RCW, the Court shall either:
(A) waive the requirement of completion of the seminar; or
(B) allow participation in an alternative voluntary parenting seminar for battered spouses.
(3) The Court may waive the seminar requirement for good cause shown.



Willful refusal to participate in a parenting seminar or willful delay in completion of a parenting seminar by any party may constitute contempt of court and result in sanctions, including, but not limited to, imposition of monetary terms, striking of pleadings, or denial of affirmative relief to a party not in compliance with this rule.


Source:  Skagit County Local Special Proceedings Rules, Part V. 94.04.1

Tribunal Superior de Skagit

Tribunal Superior de Skagit.jpg

Reglas locales del Tribunal Superior de Skagit

(SCLSPR 94.04.1 Seminarios para padres)
a partir del 1 de septiembre de 2001; modificado el 1 de septiembre de 2009





Esta regla se aplicará a todos los casos presentados después del 1 de septiembre de 2001 bajo el Capítulo 26.09, Cap. 26.10, o cap. 26.26 RCW que requieren un plan de crianza para hijos menores; incluyendo disoluciones, separaciones legales, modificaciones mayores, acciones de paternidad en las que se ha establecido la paternidad y acciones de custodia no parental.



En todos los casos regidos por esta regla, todas las partes deberán completar un seminario para padres aprobado. El Tribunal establecerá los estándares para los seminarios para padres y los proveedores serán aprobados por el Tribunal. Una lista aprobada de proveedores estará disponible a través de la Administración del Tribunal. [Modificado el 1 de septiembre de 2011]



Las partes a las que esta regla exige que participen en un seminario para padres deberán completar un seminario para padres aprobado dentro de los 90 días posteriores a la entrega de la petición o moción que inicia la acción sujeta a esta regla. En el caso de acciones de paternidad iniciadas por el ministerio público, el seminario de paternidad sólo será necesario cuando se establezca la paternidad o
se reconoce y se solicita un plan de crianza.



Cada parte que asista a un seminario deberá pagar una tarifa cobrada por el proveedor aprobado y sancionada por el tribunal. El tribunal puede condonar la tarifa a las partes indigentes.


(1) En ningún caso se exigirá a las partes contrarias que asistan juntas a un seminario.
(2) Ante una demostración de violencia doméstica o abuso que no requeriría una toma de decisiones mutua, de conformidad con RCW 26.09.191, o que la asistencia de un padre a un seminario no es lo mejor para los niños, de conformidad con el Cap. 26.12 RCW, el Tribunal deberá:
(A) renunciar al requisito de finalización del seminario; o
(B) permitir la participación en un seminario alternativo de crianza voluntaria para cónyuges maltratados.
(3) El Tribunal podrá dispensar el requisito del seminario si se demuestra una buena causa.



La negativa intencional a participar en un seminario para padres o la demora intencional en la finalización de un seminario para padres por parte de cualquiera de las partes puede constituir desacato al tribunal y dar lugar a sanciones, que incluyen, entre otras, la imposición de condiciones monetarias, la anulación de alegatos o la denegación de declaraciones afirmativas. compensación a una parte que no cumpla con esta regla.


Fuente: Reglas de procedimientos especiales locales del condado de Skagit, Parte V. 94.04.1

Island Superior Court Local Rules. 

Part II SPR  effective January 3rd 2018

94.04 Family Law Rules


(e) Parenting Seminars.

This rule shall apply to all cases in which the court is being asked to enter a parenting plan for minor children.


1.) Mandatory attendance.
Unless waived as provided herein, within  30 days of filing an appearance, answer or other responsive pleadings in an action involving a parenting plan for minor children, both parties should register for court-approved parent education seminar on the effects of family transitions on children, unless the parties have previously attended search occurs within the last 3 years. Each party shall attend the seminar within 60 days of registering.

2.) Certificate of Completion.
Upon completion of the seminar, each party shall file with the court the seminar completion certificate provided by the sponsoring agency or provider.  Additionally, a copy of the certificate of completion shall be provided to the judge at the presentation of final documents.

3.) Fees.  
Each party attending a seminar she'll pay a fee charged by the approved provider on authorized by the court.

4) Seminar providers.
The court shall establish standards for parenting seminars and shall approve seminar providers. A list of approved parenting centers shall be available from the court administrator, juvenile court administrator, or county clerk. If a parenting seminar is not included on the list, then the court, upon proper motion, may allow other providers to fulfill this requirement on a case-by-case basis.

Source: Island County Superior Local Rules of Court,

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